I strive to create value by focusing on the core needs & motivations of the people we intend to serve.
The great actor, Robert De Niro once said that his favorite word was refinement. While I am no one in comparison to him, the urge to constantly refine and go beyond one’s limitations is what drives me.
As a master’s graduate in Human Computer Interaction & Cognitive Science, I have 14+ years of experience in user-centred design and building products. I love to work closer to the medium that I design and have hand-coded web apps in the past.
I currently lead an international team of 9 designers at Appsmith in a mission to build the most efficient low-code platform for developers. I’m a person who is equally comfortable with the big picture and can switch to the minutae of design details. As a design leader, designing an environment that facilitates great design is something that I really enjoy.
Outside of work, you will find me talk passionately about yoga, movies and traveling. I took some time-off from my corporate career to volunteer for a non-profit organization for 6 months and have loved the experience.
I am looking to collaborate with a team of talented folks from whom I could learn from and share my passion for what I do. If you are interested to know more – please get in touch.

Maheshwar Ramakrishnan
Product Manager at WALMART
Ramya Lakshmanan
Director, Customer Success at ...